Progress update

From Acting Joint Chairs George West-Robinson and Sarah Brant

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has continued to get behind, donate to and talk about The Mill.

Our third pop-up attic sale raised almost £450. Thank you to both churches for the loan of tables, to all the contributors, and to the volunteers who turned out on the day to sell, buy, deliver and provide welcome refreshments when the weather chilled.

We are very excited to have been able to appoint additional Charity Trustees, each of whom brings particular experience, skills and interests to help drive the project forward.

Looking ahead, we plan to start constructing the splay and entrance to The Mill site as soon as weather permits in the New Year.

Our Spanish Wine Tasting event on 27 November is now sold out, and we’re holding a Christmas Craft Sale in the room above the shop from 29 November to 3 December.

Other plans for fundraising and early construction tasks are in the pipeline. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any great ideas, feedback or offers of help. We’ll continue to keep you posted.